Benefits for our members

Access to our Moderna services

By joining our Modern Cooperative, you gain access to a range of services and benefits, including:

⭐ Current Savings Accounts.
⭐ Fixed-Term Accounts.
⭐ Arboleda Savings System.
⭐ Credisave Savings System.
⭐ Personalized Service.
⭐ WhatsApp Support.
⭐ Micro Loans.*
⭐ VIP Services.*And more...


🌟 SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) support, payment link services for businesses.
🌟 Medical campaigns.
🌟 Financial workshops.
🌟 VIP Events.
🌟 New savings plans.

Golden Age Bonus

For retired, pensioned, and senior citizen members, in any of our products, you will receive 0.1% more in interest.

Affiliates with 2 years of seniority will receive a bonus of $10 USD, those with 3 years of seniority will receive $15 USD, and affiliates with seniority of more than 4 years will receive $20 USD. You have 2 months to claim this benefit after your birthday.

General requirements:
Photo of ID.
✅ Your SSN.

Any questions? Write to us.

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