Micro Loans

This is an excellent option to achieve several of your goals.🌟 Micro Loans are backed and guaranteed by 100% of the applicant's contributions. All applications will be subject to evaluation by our Credit Committee.

🕓 At Cooperativa Moderna, we guarantee a response to your credit request within a maximum of 10 business days if you meet all the requirements.

💰 You can receive a loan from $200.00 USD to $1,000.00 USD in cash.

✅ This Credit is available only for members of our cooperative.

⚠️ It is important to note that the terms and amounts are subject to evaluation and approval of repayment capacity, and the client must meet all the hiring requirements established by Cooperativa Moderna.

If you wish to request more information or start your Credit process, do not hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp📱 we are here to assist you.

Any questions? Write to us.

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